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Dmx 컨트롤러/

New Sunny DMX controller HS-C11

New Sunny DMX controller HS-C11
SKU (재고 관리 코드): HS-C11 범주:

New Sunny DMX controller HS-C11


1.Total 512 DMX 채널. output interface with optical isolated, withstand 2000Vrms

2.Big screen with back light displays the operation parameter


DMX512/1990 standard, 512 DMX control channels.

2 output with optical isolated,withstand 2000Vrms. Independent slot structure, which is easy to


Up to 32 scanners may be connected with a maximum of 16 channels each.

A large backlight LCD to display operation parameters.

16 sliders for channel, 1 slider for speed control.

1600 chase steps, 48 chases, 까지 100 steps each. Each step contains its speed and cross time, can

be set respectively. Trigger mode selectable: Music synchronously and manual speed.

Cooperating with the chase speed slider, the time of the program step can be changed from 0.03s to


48 scanner scenes can be used directly.

4 chases, 48 scenes operated at the same time. At most 32 scanners can be selected simultaneously.

The X/Y channels of different scanners can be controlled by modulation wheel.

16Bit control for absolutely precise movement.

15 environment programs to output the combination, which are composed of different scenes, chases

and manual output quickly.


LENGTH: 48 센티미터
WIDTH: 40 센티미터
HEIGHT: 10센티미터
무게: 8 KG
Built-in high-performance green switching power supply, have very low harmonic distortion and very wide voltage scope, comply with the requirement of power supply around the world (90 v to 240 v).
Packaging & Shipping


1. Standard carton packing with foam

2. 비행 케이스


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    무게 35 킬로그램
    차원 40 × 25 × 20 센티미터

    1조각 판지 상자 포장, 2비행 케이스가 있는 조각

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    중국, 미국 창고, 유럽 창고, 러시아 창고

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    유럽 연합 (EU, 우리, AU (영어), 영국

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    "의 첫 리뷰어가 되십시오.New Sunny DMX controller HS-C11

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